Sunday, July 31, 2011
God Does Allow Alcohol
It was not a surprise for me when some of my neighboring young friends told me that there is nothing wrong in taking alcohol since God has allowed it. They quoted so many instances from the Holy Bible for their evidence. I remembered how Satan quoted the holy book for his selfish purpose. Drinking alcohol has become the most dangerous evil of the modern commercialized societies. In Tamil there is a saying that says, “Alcohol destroys the whole family.”
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Exercise on Empty Stomach for weight Loss
Nowadays women spend more on lips and hips! Overweight and obesity have already become major contributors to their unnecessary worries. Modern women are very particular about their body fitness. Working women like to look slim, trim and active. Hence they involve themselves in various exercises which can reduce their hips and keep them trim! I have seen many of them sweating away in the gym to lose their weight. But it is a very shocking scene to look at these men and women involved in vigorous exercises with their empty stomachs.
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Thanking Multiplies Positive Energy
The other day when I showed my article on gratitude to one of my friends he just laughed at me and asked me how can a thanksgiving note do any good when people are so selfish and profit oriented. I explained him the power of gratitude and quoted some examples how it can do wonders. I also told him how it is often misunderstood.
My Mother-in-law, My Friend, Philosopher and Guide
Be a Bee and Not a Selfish Spider
As usual, a bee was flying freely from flower to flower collecting nectar from them and helping the plants to pollinate and find fruits of their own. With a pleasant humming music the bee was enjoying its journey of friendship, while doing its duty.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Mom's Concern
The smoke from the mud oven irritated Lakshmi’s eyes. She stood up from the floor where she was sitting on her feet with folded knees. She moved a few steps to take the sticks for the oven.
Face SAD with a Cheerful Face
All the medical systems accept that seasonal changes taking place in nature make adequate changes in the human body also. As a result, variations occur in the normal biological and physiological processes.
Is Stealing a Profession?
Stealing is a sin. It is written in the hearts of all human beings as all the religions accept! But still many people are involved in stealing forced by their circumstances.
Five Strategies to Manage your Chronic Pain
Some kind of pain signals keep firing in your nervous system for weeks, months, even years, pulling away your body and mind from concentrating anything. There may have been an initial mishap sometime in the past that marked the beginning of this pain—some sprained back or a serious infection. If you are careless it may impede all the activities of your life.
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Whenever summer comes I am greatly elated. It is season for me to share Jesus with little kids. The summer vacation gives me ample opportunities to gather children and bring them closer to Jesus. Since I was teaching in a school it was easier for me to collect them and teach them through telling them stories and doing things interesting to them. The local people encouraged me since they were also searching for a way to occupy the time of their children.
American Money Trickling into Selfish Hands
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Homeopathy is our Family Friend
Uncle, I have Burnt it
“Thank you uncle, you have shown me the light!” with great enthusiasm, he embraced Dave, his uncle.
Vaikasi Vikasam, the Day of Self-purification
Vaikasi Visakam is the birthday of Lord Murugan, the son of Lord Siva. The divine birth of Lord Murugan, also known as Shanmuga, Subramania, Skanda (or Kanda in Tamil), Kumara, Saravana and Karthikeya, to free the Devas (gods) from their sufferings is believed to have occurred on the star day of Vaikasi Visakam. Visakam is one of the twenty seven stars or Nakshatras that form a monthly cycle.
Vaikasi Visakam the Day of Purification
Vaikasi Visakam is the birthday of Lord Murugan, the son of Lord Siva. The divine birth of Lord Murugan, also known as Shanmuga, Subramania, Skanda (or Kanda in Tamil), Kumara, Saravana and Karthikeya, to free the Devas (gods) from their sufferings is believed to have occurred on the star day of Vaikasi Visakam. Visakam is one of the twenty seven stars or Nakshatras that form a monthly cycle
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Can Amy Winehouse's Addiction Death Stop Addictions?
Addiction snatched away another pop-singer Amy Winehouse, the Grammy-winning British retro-soul singer whose remarkable musical achievements were often overshadowed by her tumultuous personal life. She was found dead at her home in the Camden section of London on July 23rd. Medical report confirms that Winehouse finally succumbed to addiction just at the blooming age of 27, following years of well-documented drug and alcohol problems.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Thanking is a Therapy
Sending a “Thank You” note is an important part in our life! It can do wonders that we may not even expect! The power of extending our thanks is an extremely important aspect of embarking our lives into the Abundance and Happiness that we desire to achieve in our life. Thanking is a wonderful therapy that can cure our complexes that enslave us and force us into failure!
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Yoke-free Eggs for Fat-free Food
Egg is considered as the cheapest non-vegetarian food. In the United States, at just 13 cents apiece, even the poorest American can afford a two-egg omelet for his morning breakfast. But the cholesterol content in the egg has become the major health concern of the modern world
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Phosphorus Foods that Strengthen your Bones
Foods that we eat supply the energy needed to our body and they should be rich in minerals and vitamins. Phosphorus is a mineral essential for body growth and heath of bones
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Monday, July 25, 2011
Jenner's Vaccination is Still Saving Humanity
Edward Jenner is hailed by history as the redeemer of people who were dying in thousands until he discovered the vaccination against small pox. Prior to his treatment, smallpox was a common and often a fatal disease that killed millions all over the world.
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Sex For Your Healing
Sex is a never ending factor of emotional life. It is not an unwanted stigma as many orthodox people think. Commercialism has added a tinge of bad taste to sex. But in fact, sex is natural. It is the expression of purity and beauty. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and so does obscenity. It is our perception to objects, thoughts and situations, which rule the mind to perceive them in the way we do and it reminds us the Biblical words of .Matthew 6:23.
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Adverse Effects of Drinking Soda
Soda has become a common beverage, a favorite choice of most of the modern people. It is popular all over the world and is available in supermarkets, restaurants, convenient shops and vending machines. This non-alcoholic soft drink contains carbonated water, a sweetener, and a flavoring agent. It refreshes with a pleasant taste. If consumed in excess, it causes many health hazards. The sweeteners added in soda is said to be associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, dental cavities, and low nutrient levels.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Happiness is within your Reach; Catch it
Religions and philosophers believe and preach that God intends every human to be happy with Him in heaven, but does that mean that we are not meant to be happy while we are on this earth? Actually happiness depends upon what you mean by being happy here on this earth. It is our decision to be happy by doing certain things makes us happy when we are confronted with various experiences. In fact, we look outside of ourselves for the key to happiness. We even look to alcohol, drugs, fancy food, abnormal sex, etc. but to no avail.
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Speak Sweet Words
Seven Tips to Pack for Long Trips
Summer is the enjoyable time of trips and outdoor activities. The more you plan your trips the more enjoyable they will be. Packing for the trip is an important item of trip, either long or short. It needs patience and planning. It comes by practice.
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
Do the Locusts Foresee an Exodus?
Whenever there is a menace by the locusts in the world people begin to say it is an imminent warning for another Exodus. The recent locust plague in Afghanistan made the people in our area gossip things like this and about the Exodus in the Old Testament.
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Cow Wedding for Prosperity
A Cow Wedding
by thresiapaulose in Folklore, May 12, 2008
In India weddings are considered to be sacred. Weddings are conducted even for animals, which people believe will bring prosperity.
Wedding in India has a very deep meaning and celebrated with a lot of rituals and ceremonies. Hinduism believes that every living being has to be honored with the same respect that is given to humans. It believes that all the living beings are Jeevatmas (living souls) and form a part of the Paramatma (The Supreme Being). That is why animals, insects and even plants are treated like human beings. They have a belief that animals and other living beings also need to have life as human beings and this belief leads to weddings of animals and other living beings. By performing such rites to satiate their craving, peace and prosperity will prevail in the area.
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Writing is a Vibration Therapy
Hello friends, this is just a heart to heart talk to share an experience of Vibration therapy. Through my writing I try to talk to you, share thoughts and refresh one another. Please let me know how far you have been touched by me. Your sharing will, of course, bring us closer and help all of us.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Four Goals of Ayurvedic Life
The whole world is turning to Ayurveda, a South Indian medical system, which carries a legacy running to thousands of years. It stands on solid research background although only now many of the western countries have begun to acknowledge it. Ayurveda is the science of life. It aims at achieving the fullness of life. It teaches how one can live a successful life. Diseases are the hindrances of happiness in human life. Ayuveda tells us how we can lead a life without any disease and also how we can be protected from the diseases that may attack us occasionally. It prescribes the FOUR important goals of life. They are: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
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Are We Killing Our Elders?
Aging has become more burdensome in the post war consumer world. Everything is calculated in terms of business- “what is the monetary benefit for me?” Though due to progress in science, human age span has increased, aged people find it more difficult to cope with the society. Or the growing generations consider the aged people more troublesome.
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Sandalwood an Aromatic Viagra
Aromatherapy, which is gaining importance in the modern world, is a form of alternative medicine that uses easily evaporating liquid plant materials, known as essential oils. It also uses other scented compounds from plants for the purpose of activating a person’s mood or health
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Five Vital Reasons for Recent Increase in Gold Investment
Around the world, investors prefer to buy gold, especially during these days of tough economy. Although there was a temporary dip in the price of gold in 2008 due to recession, demand for gold has been steadily increasing. Is this a unique phenomenon of the United States dollar, or is it an international phenomenon since it involves the major currencies of the world?
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Seven Tips to Cut back your Cellphone Costs
Cellphone is in the modern life is no more a luxury. But it has become a business essential of everyone. Business is completely dependent on the phone calls. Since land phones cannot be carried wherever people go, cellphones have made contacts easier. Many companies today provide cellphones to their employees. Some companies even reimburse the cost of calling. It makes work easier and more productive and profitable
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
All are Called to Be Saints
Why Sex is NOT Advised in July-August
Yes, it is true. The culture in South India even today does not allow sex in the month of Aadi in Tamil Nadu (Karkidaka in Kerala) which starts in the middle of July and ends in the middle of August. It may seem to be a superstition or foolishness to those who do not go deep into the traditions.
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Summer Injuries
Summer is on with all happy memories for the elders as well as kids. It is a time of fun involving kids with pleasant activities! Hiking, biking, swimming and countless funny activities wait for the arrival of summer! After the severe winter that has been arresting kids in rooms with heaters, summer is the great time to get out and explore the local surroundings, get some exercises and enjoy things in a completely free perspective. Taking picnics, looking out for spots of fresh entertainments and enjoying the free air with the family and friends really fill the life of all with reality.
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Death of a Righteous Man; Is it a Curse from Heaven?
Tags: death of righteous, dens of thieves, enormous wealth, Kerala temple, religious places, superstition, treasure underground, trillions of dollars
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A Call of Hope in Solitude
Can Torture Be a Therapy?
It should be a very shocking news that an eighteen months old child was given a torturous treatment of bleeding to death for its hernia. The child was bleeding to death, and but for the benevolent social worker, who intervened in time, the child would have died!
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Whither This Life of Race?
To find my people of different kinds,
Some related through blood and birth
Some related by marriage knot,
Others by similar wavelength of mind
Meeting occasionally in joyful mood!
To fill my world with happy words
And sharing love and emotions too.
Did Jesus Praise Dishonesty?
Why the Sunlight is Essential for Your Health?
Life in this earth is based on the sun. The sun gives energy, light and heat. It is this energy from sunlight that the plants convert into food for humans and animals. All life in nature is dependent on the sun.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Can Nature Cure Us?
Nature, with all her provisions, can protect us from the diseases and cure us from our ailments. Naturopathy is being recognized, and more and people prefer naturopathy. Gandhiji, Father of India, was seriously following naturopathy and he succeeded in his ventures. He became convinced that nature cure was the most suitable system of living and treatment.
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Ten Tips to Boost Your Memory
Ten Tips to Boost Your Memory
by thresiapaulose in Psychology, April 29, 2008
Memory is a vital factor in knowledge and education. It can be acquired, boosted and utilized for our success. Here are ten tips for improving memory.
Memory plays an important role in the process of acquiring knowledge. Education system in most of the countries is based on the strength of memory. The one who can remember the most is considered the most brilliant!
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Roaming Midas in our Streets
Beware of Midas roaming in the streets! Yes, the modern Midas flying everywhere on the streets of Indian cities, especially in South India, finds it very easy to run away with the gold he can touch. Whatever he touches is gold! Or rather, he touches only gold! Easily he can snatch away the gold from our ladies, who are very particular about showing their glamour in gold! Robbery and burglary for gold have been steadily on the increase for the past few months. Data about recent gold crimes are alarming. Everyday shocking details of crimes are filling the pages of newspapers. But still neither the police nor the public are serious about it!
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Sedentary Lifestyle Makes you Obese
According to a report from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, during the past 20 years there has been an alarming epidemic increase in obesity in the United States. Its report of the year 2009 says that only Colorado and the District of Columbia had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. All over the world it is on the increase causing various fatal diseases. Sedentary lifestyle of the present era is one of the main reasons for this increase.
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Monday, July 18, 2011
How Old is This Glass of Water?
Little Renee came running with a glass of water in her hand.
“Mom how old am I?” with some deep thought she asked me! It took me aback wondering what makes her ask such a question. I was trying to guess what would it be . But she looked at me with a queer smile and insisted again.
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Christian Duty of Protecting the Green Lungs of the Blue Planet
Disease is Better Than Death
A Sanskrit saying “Maranadvaram Vyadhih” gives the meaning, “Disease is better than Death.” If you probe into the truth of this saying, you can find out the reality. Death puts an end to every hope. But with disease there is still hope of some cure in some way. There is also a similar saying which means, “A doubtful situation is preferable to an ascertained failure.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Why Modern Girls Attain Puberty Earlier?
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Three Approaches to Bible Reading
Laugh to Live
Laughter is the greatest gift of mankind! It is a great boon to our health. Our health is greatly influenced by our mind. Illnesses of the mind are the main cause of many psychosomatic diseases. General depression of the mind leads to diseases. Laughter is the panacea for this tension and depression. When we laugh, certain nerves in the brain are triggered and our endocrine system secretes neurotransmitter hormone. This, in turn, releases the endorphine hormone, which is a natural painkiller and tranquilizer.
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Saturday, July 16, 2011
We Need a Rebirth
Daddy, I Forgot to Write
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Do We Commercialize Gods?
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God Speaks Through Children
Viral Attack on World Economy
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Friday, July 15, 2011
Teach Your Children Shopping
Living in this world today has become a pure business! Unless you know the technique of doing business it is very difficult to survive on this earth. Globalization of modern life has changed it further commercialized and complicated. Learning shopping is a necessary technique which should be acquired in the young age itself. Children should know the value of money and how to handle it carefully to get the maximum benefit.
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Which Type of Milk to Choose?
Milk is the primary source of nutrition for all young mammals, including humans, before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk of the mother contains colostrum, which carries antibodies to the baby and protects the baby from many diseases. Milk has become a matter of choice today.
Be Angry to Accomplish
Rejuvenate and Refresh with Cool and Hot Lemon Tea
A Sexy Vegetable of India
Sometime back a feature film was screened in South India which created much fuss and furor among the people, both young and old. The excitement was about the use of a vegetable- an ordinary vegetable which was ignored until that time! Suddenly there was a great demand for the vegetable. Markets were struggling to supply the sudden craze for this uncared dry sticks
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Thursday, July 14, 2011
Mom, Our House Needs an Overcoat
“Mom, look at our house, poor thing! Should be shivering!” little Joshi came to me running!.
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Three Keys to Open the Word to Succeed
Three Last Wishes of Great Alexander
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Eat King of Fruits and Enjoy a Royal Summer
by thresiapaulose on Jul 12, 2011 with 9 Comments
Summer months are the season of mangoes. Mango is called the king of fruits. It is tasty and healthy. It adds joy and vigor to your summer enjoyments.
Summer is the season for outside activities and merry making. It is the season of colorful and delicious fruits. It is the season of mango, hailed as the king of fruits.
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Motivation in 10 Easy Steps
Everyone wants to go forward. Everyone is dreaming success in his life. Everyone is working hard to achieve something. But is it like catching the wind? Is it possible to reach? Motivation brings before you the most motivated, determined people, past and present, their sense of purpose, their trials and tribulations and at the end of course their success stories!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Thrissur Pooram
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Care Your Hair to Shine in Life
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Still in Search of Buddha
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Monday, July 11, 2011
Why does a Teenager Try to Elope?
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Medical Tourism in India
Medical tourism is gaining momentum all over the world. People go for various treatments to alleviate their sufferings. Medical tourism in India is an assurance to those who need treatment as well as mental solace.
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What Does Gospel Say about Peter's Father-in-law?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Wailing Service in India
Wailing Service
Wailing and lamenting are the moving scenes of a funeral. But time has changed now and man hesitates to show even his relationship with the demised! Are our natural emotions dying?
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Saturday, July 9, 2011
Alternative Therapies A New Hope Of Computer Era
Alternative therapies are bringing hope to the modern computer world. They are growing fast in the US as well as in other countries of the world. They are replacing the conventional medicines which are found to have side effects.
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Friday, July 8, 2011
Farewell to School
The last day at school is very touching and it stays indelible in our memory. My experience of the last day with fifteen points of life given in Taittireya, Upanishad.
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Nine Important Health Benefits of Tea Tree Oil
The wonderful tea tree oil is extracted from the tea tree plant, which is botanically known as Melaleuca alternifolia. It is a popular good looking herbal plant used for making essential oil.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Angelic Receptionists of Islam Faith
Houris are the incentive receptionists of Islamic faith. They are the angelic beings ready to receive the Islamic faithful at the gates of heaven. The everlasting pleasures of heavenly promises strengthen people in their religious life.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Drink Water to Reduce Your Weight
Weight gain and obesity are major concerns of the modern lifestyle. Drinking plenty of water is the easiest way to reduce your weight. Although the importance of drinking water is known to everyone it is not a habit that many people form.
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Monday, July 4, 2011
Kolam an Auspicious Art of Tamils
Kolam is an art of South India, especially TamilNadu, displayed at the entrance of the houses. It is drawn with dots and linings on the ground with some powder. It has a very deep cultural significance.
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Is Depression an Umbrella Label?
Life is full of ups and downs, changing our moods. Struggles, setbacks, and disappointments in life fill us with sadness. “Depression” is a word used to describe such change of moods.
Modern lifestyle and depression are inseparable. Normal life today undergoes a lot of ups and downs that change the condition of moods. Sadness has become a routine reaction to life’s struggles, setbacks, and disappointments
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Sunday, July 3, 2011
Five Vital Tips to Teach Children Patriotism
Independence Day is a happy occasion that everyone in a country celebrates with great joy. Every human being wants to be independent. The spirit of patriotism makes the Independence Day more meaningful.
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A Dozrn Reasons for Shin Pain in Children
Children ooften complain about shin pain in their legs. There are various reasons for the pain. Some of them may be chronic and may lead to serious troubles.
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Imprisonment of Independence
Everyone wants to be free. Man wants to be free in everything without any restrictions. He wants to be free from all political, economic, and social bonds.
Man is born free but is found in fetters everywhere. The ancient Greek historian, author and philosopher Thucydides who lived in 5th century BC, says that the secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage.
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Saturday, July 2, 2011
Independence Day Customs and Traditions in the United States of America
Independence Day Customs and Traditions in The United States
Independence Day is a happy occasion to celebrate the political freedom of a country. The United States of America celebrates the Independence Day of July 4, every year. It is interesting to know the traditions and customs of these celebrations.
A birth is always a happy occasion. Birthday celebrations of great people bring blessings. So also birth of a nation is an occasion of happy memories to invoke thoughts and feelings of solidarity and patriotism. Every country celebrates its political beginning in a grand manner.
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Was Shakespeare a Catholic?
Was the well-known playwright Shakespeare a Catholic? What do the immortal words of his great works bring about his religious views? It may be an interesting topic since the fourth centenary of his death is just ahead.
William Shakespeare, the celebrated English playwright, was born in 1564 and died in 1616, just at the age 52. Fourth centenary celebrations of his literary life and demise make critical minds to probe into his personal life.
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Friday, July 1, 2011
Pulse Reading is the Pulse of Siddha Medical System
Siddha system is an ancient South Indian medicinal system which has been in practice for more than 5000 years. Ancient Tamil literatures give a lot of hints on this system. Pulse reading is an important diagnosing method.
Siddha medicinal system, which remained overshadowed by western systems for more than three centuries, is gaining popularity in post-independence decades. It is said that it has mothered Ayurveda system. The archeological studies of Indus civilization which existed in India before the arrival of the Aryans reveal many references about this ancient Indian medical system.
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