Monday, October 17, 2011

What Does the Festival of Diwali Mean to Me?

Diwali is one of the most important Indian festivals celebrated by the Hindus. It has a great significance since the name "Diwali" means "display of lights". Diwali fills humanity with great enlightenment and happiness.

Diwali is the most important festival celebrated by the Hindus all over the world. It is the occasion of gathering and sharing. The great significance of Diwali has always been enticing me with great thoughts.

Leading life from darkness to light

The human soul is always crying in its depth with the chanting Mantra of Brhadaranyaka
Upanishad "Asato ma sadgamaya; tamaso ma jyotirgamaya" which means "Lead me from falsehood to Truth and from darkness to Light" This is the fundamental quest of every soul and the sap of every religion. Diwali is the festival that calls mankind to fulfill this karma of enlightenment. Diwali means enlightenment. It means self-enlightenment as well as enlightening others. It is shown symbolically by displaying lights or little lamps in and around the house.

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