Thursday, June 30, 2011

Zawlbulk, a Common Bedroom of the Mizo Youth

Zawlbuk is the common bedroom that the young men of Mizoram in India had. It helped the young men of their communities to grow in morality. We are called to think about this cultural place in this age of homosexuality and AIDS.

As the evening shadows grow longer, and the birds seek their nests for their evening rest, the youth of Mizoram, a state in the Northeast India, assemble in their common dormitory which is called Zawlbuk. It is a place of learning, sharing experiences and building up the social culture. It had been the concentration of male power of the whole village. Though it has lost its importance now due to cultural changes, the part played by it in building up the society was really great.

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The Man Who Shared His Own Flesh as Bread of Love

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The Man Who Shared His Own Flesh as Bread of Love

Only one man in history challenged the world in showing his best love. He loved everyone so much that he gave his own flesh and blood to others. He assured eternal life by sharing his body.

Christian world commemorates the incident of Jesus sharing his own body with humanity to show his maximum level of love. There are so many memorable and incredible references throughout the Holy Bible assuring this love through the metaphor of bread.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Forgotten Heart Vitamin K

In the busy modern lifestyle many things go unnoticed and forgotten. Vitamin K, which is the fat-soluble vitamin that is most well-known for the important role it plays in blood clotting, does not make any popularity in modern health life.

In the Kindergarten classes, children sing the rhyme, “A for apple” or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” They learn about the importance of vitamins in their lessons about nutrition in their higher grades. But do we find any importance given to the necessity of vitamin K?

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Ten Tips to Become a Genius

Some are born great. Some achieve greatness by their hard work. Anyone can become a genius by methodical and relentless hard work.

History has recorded numberless people who have been genius. It is their hard work and confident efforts that pushed them towards their victory. They created history through their creativity which they could acquire by their relentless endeavors. You can become a genius through improving your thinking. You need not baffle. It is easy. Just follow these ten tips!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yoga, the Divine Therapy

Yoga is the practical aspect of the realization of truth through which man can attain cure both in body and mind.

Yoga is a God-given therapy for the safety and welfare of all the human beings. There has been a tendency among many to link yoga with the Hindu religious activities since the concepts and practices of Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago. But there is no religious brand with yoga. It is a natural healing given by God by His Great Benevolence just as He provided us with water and air. It is the science of right living and it works on all aspects of human personality- physically, psychologically and spiritually. Yoga is employed as a major therapy in nature.

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How can Probiotics Help Your Health?

Probiotics are microorganisms which, when administered in adequate quantities help immunity and protect health. Though it is “probiotics” is a newly coined term it has been in the use throughout history.

The word “probiotics” means “favorable to life”. It is a term derived from Latin and Greek. Though it is a newly coined word, probiotics have been the healthy bacteria that have been added to our food in one way or another. Most people, even today, are not aware that Yogurt is natural probiotic. The minimum product is changed into greater quantity through the probiotic or good bacteria effect.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Horopathy a Tribal Healing system

Horopathy is an indigenous medical system of India. It is followed by a tribe called Munda in the Bihar state. It has no side effects and has both curative and preventive effects.

‘Horopathy’ is an indigenous tribal healing system of India. This tribal medicine is a part of life of the indigenous tribe called “Munda”, who are mostly found in Bihar State. Horopathy is a combination of two words, “Horo” and “Pathy.’ “Horo” is a Munda word which means “human being” and “Pathy” is a Greek word for “feeling”. Perhaps “Homeopathy” came from this word!

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Our Life is Our Own Choice

Our life is our own choice. We are at the crossroad of life when we have to choose one way.Our choice decides our life further.

Our life is what we choose. At every move in our life, we have to choose and proceed. Sometimes we are left with no choice at all but to find ourselves at the crossroad of life, with two paths each beckoning and beguiling us. One is short, well kept, with flowery plants and bushes on both sides, so easy to negotiate, but ending up in a blank wall. The other is long, labyrinthine and bumpy, and difficult to negotiate, but ending up in a vast orchard of fruit-bearing trees and sweet-scented flowers.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Day of Embrace in Ramadan

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A Day of Embrace in Ramadan

Id-ul-Fitr or Ramzan is a festival of brotherhood. Ramzan means to burn all evil things and attain purification. Through charity and love, sins are repented.

Ramzan is the day of fraternal get together. It is the festival of love and sharing. It is the feast of embrace. It is the day of tasting heaven on this earth

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Your Feet Need Your Support in Summer

Your feet hold you and support you. But they need your support during all seasons, especially in summer. Be kind to them this summer.

Summer is the time when your feet are freed from socks and shoes. It is the time when your feet feel tough under the combination of heat in the atmosphere, sweat from the body and direct light from the sun on your feet. It is the crucial time for your feet that may develop unsightly calluses, infections and injuries that affect your walk

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Seven World Wonders of Jenny

We know the latest list of the seven wonders of the world. Different wonders have been attracting the world in different times. But Jenny, the nine year old little girl, has a different view.

“Now, children, you can answer the question given to you,” the teacher Ms. Julie gave the green signal to the children to start writing.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mughal Contribution to Indian Literature

The Mughals established a mighty empire that dominated India for more than two centuries. Their passion for literature and knowledge commissioned excellent literary works. They add luster and wealth to the literatures of India.

India is a rich mine of hidden literatures! The vast wealth of literature still in palm leaves has to be brought out for open studies which surely will have a great impact on history as well as the knowledge of so many sciences

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One Man Urinating Caused Draining of the Whole Reservoir

A young man urinated. And the US city officials emptied the whole lake draining more than 8million gallons of water from the reservoir. It may be a heart rending episode for people who are in search of drops of water.

One man’s potty break caused eight million gallons of purified water down the drain. Newspapers reported on June 21, 2011that the whole reservoir in the US city of Portland, Oregon was emptied after a man was caught on a security camera urinating in it. Was it an accident or a mad game?

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Oh Buddha, Who Are You?

Siddhartha, a king of North India, became intolerant of the discriminating caste system existing in the society. He was much troubled to see the sufferings of his fellow beings. He wanted to find solutions to alleviate human sufferings. His search made him Buddha.

Oh, Buddha! Who are you and where are you? Are you Siddhartha? Or are you Gautama or are you the only enlightened? Are you one of the millions of avatars of The only Supreme Being?

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June 24 is the day of Aqueduct Aqua Traiana

When the world is shocked at flushing of purified water of a whole lake as waste, it commemorates on June 24th the 1901st anniversary of the inauguration of the Aqua Traiana.

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The Sun Rose in the Midnight

Easter is a festival of hope, courage and peace. It is the culmination of Christmas. It brings a message of peaceful and joyful life. But do all realize it?

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It was dark everywhere. The whole humanity had closed itself into the hole of darkness utterly tired and confused of the day’s incidents.

“We have buried him and sealed his tomb and kept watch over the tomb. We have closed all possible doors of hope that may open after this death.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

My God Against Your God

Religious harmony is a necessity for human life. But selfish and narrow motives always try to shatter a peaceful life. History is full of such ugly scenes!

Every day morning brings a new message from God. Whether the sun is shining brightly or whether it is pouring down torrents of rain, or whether it is gray or overcast, there is always a message from God. His promise is the dawn itself! His message is always a message of love and harmony. It is always a call to peaceful life.

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Eclipses are warnings to human life

Nature has her own breaks and controls in her system. The universe at large has been a great mystery to man. Lunar eclipse is on those great mysteries.

Nature is a wonderful labyrinthine mine of great mysteries. There are a lot of truths of natural phenomena to be researched and discovered. The universe and the cosmic mysteries are still baffling humanity with great influence on human life

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Come, Let Us Dance with God

It is summer. It is a season of dancing and merry making. It is a gift from God to make us happy. Come, let’s dance with God.

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Dancing with God may seem to be a peculiar idea. Dancing is to make the occasion happy and jolly. The joyful movements of dance enhance our happiness in life.

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Tridhoshas the Basis of Ayurvedic Medicine

Five elements of nature and the three dhoshas form the basis of our health system. Ayurveda the ancient medical system of India explains the reasons for our diseases.

Ayurveda is an Indian medical system which has been practiced for more than two thousand years. Although by the intervention of western influence the people on the Indian subcontinent sought allopathy and other medical systems from the west, the importance and uniqueness of Ayurveda cannot be underestimated.

Food and Mood

What we eat creates our moods. We can be happy by controlling what we eat.

It is quite surprising to know that the foods we eat can have a huge impact on our moods. Recent studies have shown that most of people who cut back on mood suppressors and filled up with mood supporters reported improved mental health. They can control their mood swings, panic attacks, anxiety and depression

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Sweet Benefits of a Bitter Tree

Fresh green leaves and yellow fruits of neem tree is a real blessing to every house. Traditionally it is believed that this tree is the guardian angel to be grown in front of the house to protect the residents from any viral or bacterial attack, by purifying the air. Botanically called Zadirachta Indica, which literally means “free tree of India”, neem tree is also called margosa.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Live Between Crazy Mosquitoes and Poisonous Sprays?

Modern life is so polluted that it has become a hell between sea and Satan. Mosquitoes are spreading everywhere, endangering human health. In spite of so many welfare schemes they are multiplying all the more.

Mosquitoes have taken monstrous avatar to torture human beings. In spite of all the human efforts, they are multiplying in the maximum level. It is estimated that there are approximately 3,300 species of mosquitoes all over the world. In North America alone

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Monday, June 20, 2011

June 21, Impact of Summer Solstice on Health

On June 21, the sun comes up just on the heads of people in the northern hemisphere. It is supposed to be the longest day of the year. Traditionally, the day was celebrated with various rituals and religious festivals.

A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice in a year, one in summer and the other in winter, when the Sun’s apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes. It is said that the sun stands still on these days. The name solstice, derived from the two Latin words sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), signifies that the path of the sun comes to an end and it stands still on these two days before it reverses its direction

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Sexy Roses to Refresh Your Health

Roses have been symbols of love from time immemorial. Ancient literatures say that even thousands of years ago romance started with a hope of impressing his lover chose to present a rose as a symbol of his love. Roses are sexy and charming.

Just imagine the response if your house is filled with fragrant and sexy roses. The whole world would fill your days with pleasures of heavenly hues. Rose garden is an angelic hobby.

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The Temple for the Beloved

Love is immortal. Marital love is the supreme love. It exists even beyond death. Temples for the beloved are the monuments of this matchless love.

Before it dawns a jingling of bell is heard from a house in the remote corner of a South Indian suburb. It is not a calling for any temple or church service. But it is a commemorating toll of liturgy of a beloved husband.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Eating Sugar will Cause you Go Mad

Eating refined sugar is one of the main causes of most of modern diseases. Today, refined sugar is added to all modern processed foods and this slow poisoning is not recognized by most of the people. It causes you mental illness and paves way to other health disorders.

Eating sugar is taking a heavy toll on the lives of people all over the world, especially in the US. Sugar consumption in the US is increasing more and more. So also increase of diseases of modern lifestyle. Statistics state that 32 percent of Americans are obese and an additional one-third are overweight.

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Siddha, the Prehistoric System of Medicine

Siddha medicine is practiced in South India. Its origin is unknown. But it has powerful effect in the field of treatment.

The roots of Siddha medical system, which has been practiced in South India, go far beyond the historical boundaries. It has existed as a separate system of medicine thousands of years before the dawn of history. Although this system declined in later years by the changing modes of life and by the interventions of western colonial influences, it has still continued to exist in many parts of South India. It is said that it has been the mother of ancient medicines such as Ayurveda and some Chinese medicines.

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A Fathers Day reminder to Christian Fathers

by ThresiaPaulose varghese
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Fatherhood is a special vocation. It carries the great responsibility of continuing the creation work of God. It is to raise a family and foster up the family in the love of God. It is making the children know and love God and prepare them to be God’s children through his own exemplary life.

Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is a healthy hobby. The popularity of gardening is growing all over the words. Outdoor and indoor gardening is much encouraged by media as a way of reducing global warming.

Glory of friendship

Friendship is an immortal asset. It is a great boon in human life. It has to be acquired b our constant efforts.

A great man in history has defined friendship as, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”(John 15:13). One of the characters in Shakespeare’s plays says, “I count myself in nothing else as happy as in a soul remembering my good friends.” We all like to be considered friendly by others. Friendship is beyond definitions. It is the vital essence of human life

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Kiss Worth Millions of Minutes’ Reading

Can a kiss boost kids’ reading habits? It can. It has been proved here at Stow, an American village. Just a promise of kissing Llama encouraged elementary school kids to promote their reading habit and they achieved reading million minutes.

There was a great cheer and applause when the Fishcreek Elementary School’s Principal Julie Obraza kept her word and kissed a llama to celebrate the 1,087,175 minutes of reading by the school’s students this year.

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Christmas on Calvary

The birth of Jesus is celebrated as Christmas. The same importance is to be given to the sacrifice of Jesus on the Calvary.

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Christmas is a great festival of enthusiasm and entertainment. The birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated throughout the world as Christmas. Actually Christmas means the Holy Mass (event of sacrifice) on the day of the Nativity of Jesus Christ.

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Relationship Between Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism and Buddhism are ancient religions which have a lot in common.They are like mother and daughter.It is quite interesting to study their relationships.

There are still disputes going on whence came Hinduism to India or rather the origin of Hinduism. But Hinduism existed in India from which came the offshoots, three major religions of the world, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Hinduism has the maternal relationship with Buddhism, which dwindled its motherland but flourished outside the country.

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Keep Green Pots and Kill Workplace Stress

Work is worship. But how can you perform well if you are squeezed by your workplace stress? Kill your workplace stress by keeping some green potted plants in your office.

In this tussling economic period, there is no wonder that many are finding it harder than ever to cope with stress in the workplace. Regardless of occupation, seniority, or salary level, most of the people are spending more and more of our work days feeling frazzled and out of control, instead of alert and relaxed. Troubled economy has become an emotional roller coaster for workers all over the world. “Recession,” “layoffs” and “budget cuts” have become bywords in the workplace, and the result is increased fear, uncertainty, and higher levels of stress and diseases. Workplace stress is killing more and more people through various diseases than the actual work.

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Is the Use of Mobile Phone Dangerous to Brain health?

Mobile phone in the modern lifestyle has become the breath of the social life. It is the eye, ear and sensation of life today, in every nook and corner of the globe. Though recent researches are giving warning signals about its danger on brain health, mobile use gives some good results also.

The amount of use of mobile phones in modern society is growing enormously every day. From little kids to tottering old people, everyone is engaged in mobile phone activities. It has been accepted as an inevitable way of life, not only for instant communication but also as an integral part of life with email, photography, playing music, and even as a form of security for people. Mobile phones, in various avatars, have changed global cultures and beliefs. They are boons for the younger demographic since contact with friends is instant and easily accessible. A recent survey of 1,000 young people aged 11–15 years found that 90% of them have their own mobile phone. Today, mobile phones are the powerful weapon of media. Hence, everyone should be aware of the positive or negative effects on the world today.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

How Can Lunar Eclipse Affect Your Health?

Many people are not even aware that eclipses affect human health. It is not a mere traditional belief. Solar and lunar eclipses do have effect on human health.

People in India have strong belief in the eclipses of sun and moon and they have a lot of traditional rituals on these days. It is not a blind belief that they do have effect on human health. It should be based on some ancient scientific belief which might have been lost in course of time, superseded by other forces.

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Are We Growing Drug-addicted?

Drug addiction is growing day by day. Our growing generation is trapped in so many ways. Globalization, fast communication, and the commercialization of human values are endangering humanity. When are we going to realize this?

It was lunch break. I was standing outside of our school compound waiting for my friend. Students were running here and there after their lunch. Suddenly I was shocked to find some unusual noise in a corner where many students gathered within seconds.

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Holi, A Festival of Fraternity

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Holi, A Festival of Fraternity

The whole humanity is one large family. All men and women are brothers and sisters of the same family.The festival of Holi celebrates that fraternity.

God in colors! God, our creator, alive in red, yellow, blue, green and thousands of blended colors! Sharing the joy of peace and merry making! How wonderful it is! Yes, It is Holi, the festival of colors! As the great Indian national poet Bharathiyar invokes God in colors with these words, “O Krishna! how wonderful are you in your blue black color!,” Holi is a festival searching and reaching God joyfully in everyone in innocent playing! It is the heart of Hindu Dharma.

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My Fight with Stage Fright

Public speaking is an art. It can be easily attained by practice. I had a tough fight with this experience.

It was a great experience- my first fight with stage fright. The thought of standing up in front of others still sends shivering into my spine! I was just ten years old when I was pushed before an audience. I had been given a topic about a national leader to talk for three minutes which I had memorized and recited by heart in front of my class teacher.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Use of Mobile Phone Dangerous to Health

Mobile phone in the modern lifestyle has become the breath of the social life. It is the eye, ear and sensation of life today, in every nook and corner of the globe. Though recent researches are giving warning signals about its danger on brain health, mobile use gives some good results also.

The amount of use of mobile phones in modern society is growing enormously every day. From little kids to tottering old people, everyone is engaged in mobile phone activities. It has been accepted as an inevitable way of life, not only for instant communication but also as an integral part of life with email, photography, playing music, and even as a form of security for people.

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How to make Jenny's first day at school the happiest one?

The first day at school has been a traumatic experience for three-year-old Jenny who steps into school for the first time. The first day in a new world scares almost every child. What can be done to encourage such a child positively?

Summer is the time of vacation and reopening of schools. Children who are already at school may be able to take, though reluctantly, their satchels and return to school. But for the first entrants it is really a torture of entering an absolutely new world—an unforgettable traumatic experience. A really traumatic experience with meeting new people for the first time, being without their parents for the first time and being in unfamiliar surroundings. Screaming, crying, kicking, coaxing, and doing all sorts of resistance are common sights of this first day at school.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Teaching History is Important

History teaching is losing its status in the computer world.

It is a sad fact that many of the elementary school children in the United States do not like to study history. Some time back one of my American friends wrote to me that his child in third grade complains about history as a “boring subject.” Another felt that there is no use in studying about people and events of past. But it is a wrong notion that undervalues the studies of history.

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Success is in Your Hands

Everybody wants to succeed in life. Failure makes us dejected and worried. But success is in our own hands. Everyone can succeed.

We are running here and there in search of success. We are worried. We are anxious. We are hatching the eggs of our endeavors in great stress and anxiety. What will be the results of our attempts? Can we succeed?

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The Indian Explosion

The Indian population explosion has become a global problem.

India occupies around 2.3 % of world’s geographical area but carries 16.6% of total world’s population. India is expected to overtake China to become the world’s most populous country within the next 25 years. The both sentences prove that India is over populated. The United Nation has warned that if India’s demographic growth does not slow down, there are likely to be shortages of food and water in the nearest future. India is already experiencing it.

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Games of Boy Jesus

Jesus Christ, as a boy, played games with other children. The evidences of his playing are quite interesting. As humans we play many games on this global ground.

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Ten alternative therapies for pain

Alternative therapies are very effective in relieving chronic pains.

Any pain, whether it is mild or excruciating, episodic or continuous, merely inconvenient or incapacitating, makes us restless. Pain is a sensation transmitted from sensory nerves through the spinal cord and to the sensory area of the cerebrum, where the sensation is perceived.

It is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage”.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Keep Green Pots and Kill Workplace Stress

Work is worship. But how can you perform well if you are squeezed by your workplace stress? Kill your workplace stress by keeping some green potted plants in your office.

In this tussling economic period, there is no wonder that many are finding it harder than ever to cope with stress in the workplace. Regardless of occupation, seniority, or salary level, most of the people are spending more and more of our work days feeling frazzled and out of control, instead of alert and relaxed. Troubled economy has become an emotional roller coaster for workers all over the world. “Recession,” “layoffs” and “budget cuts” have become bywords in the workplace, and the result is increased fear, uncertainty, and higher levels of stress and diseases. Workplace stress is killing more and more people through various diseases than the actual work.

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A Kiss Worth Millions of Minutes’ Reading

Can a kiss boost kids’ reading habits? It can. It has been proved here at Stow, an American village. Just a promise of kissing Llama encouraged elementary school kids to promote their reading habit and they achieved reading million minutes.

There was a great cheer and applause when the Fishcreek Elementary School’s Principal Julie Obraza kept her word and kissed a llama to celebrate the 1,087,175 minutes of reading by the school’s students this year.

Why is Little Jenny Scared at Visiting a Doctor?

Visit to Dr. X is a great torture to little Jenny. She is more perturbed at the mere word “doctor”. What makes her scared of visiting a doctor?

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Three-year old Jenny has a neurological problem that needs regular medical checkups. She has to be taken to the doctor every alternate week. But taking her to the clinic has been a major operation. Mentioning of the mere word “doctor” makes her scream, kick, and struggle with all sorts of protests.

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Condom Role of a Condemned Father

Father’s day is around the corner. What is the role of a father in a modern society? Has he also become another condom which has become an inevitable part of modern life? is fatherhood losing its value?

World is ready to celebrate the Father’s day. Only some of the children– please note the words “only some”– are thinking of finding some gifts to their fathers on this fathers’ day. In the modern family life, the role of fatherhood is losing its values and responsibilities. Is the image of a father –child relationship the same as it was some previous generations? Or has it also lost its status in the fast changing fashion life?

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Surprising Sex Facts of Watermelon

Green outside and pinkish red inside, watermelon is sexy. It is juicy and cool. It can chill your lips and mind to lead you to the peak of happiness.

Summer brings with it the cool fruit of Eden. You need not wait for Fourth of July for your fireworks in your love life. Watermelon, perennially available, can make you fit for a refreshed new venture. Just skip the burgers and beer at the barbecue and eat plenty of watermelon

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