Monday, November 7, 2011

Ten Simple Home Remedies For Allergy

Allergy is everywhere. It can attack you at any time. It is your body that becomes sensitive to allergies and causes reactions. Modern life style and climatic changes due to global warming can cause allergies easily. It is advisable to know about your allergic conditions and be on the alert to prevent them in time.

Allergens are everywhere in all seasons. Pollen of spring, smog of summer, falling leaves of autumn and the dust of winter along with so many other factors cause allergy. Change of season brings its own brand of allergy triggers and irritants which differ from person to person. Anything can be an allergy to any person. It all depends on his body condition. But allergies are caused mostly by pollens, dust, cosmetics, animal hair, poisonous plants, serums, vaccines and drugs. Some times, allergies can result even from over exposure to physical agents, such as heat, cold and sunlight.

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