Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mother Mary, Help Us in Finding Jesus

O Mary, Mother of Jesus, I say that I am a Christian. I say that I follow Christ and his commandments. But, in fact, I have lost him somewhere. I do not know where I lost him and how I lost him. But one thing is certain that somehow I have lost him. I am groping in the darkness of sin without him, the eternal light who told, “I am the Light.”(John 8:12)

How have I lost Jesus?

The answer to this question is not known to me. So also I am sure many Christians have lost Jesus. The Christian life that we lead is only some liturgical rituals and observations. Jesus Christ is not in most of our lives. We just praise with our lips. Our minds are carried away by worries and other selfish thoughts. We are always scared of out tomorrows. Our love towards our neighbor is profit-motivated. We always calculate what will be the share of gain. We seek for the Glorious Jesus and never a Jesus with Crucifix.

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